2019 Award Winner Story: Sugartree Centro by Lily Nelson Centro LP

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BNZ Development Award Winner: Sugartree Centro by Lily Nelson Centro LP

This project locates at the corner of Nelson St and Union St of Auckland city, comprised of 259 units of apartments and the gross construction area is 17 thousand square metres. It is the second phase of Sugartree Complex. The project started in 2014 and delivered in 2017.

For Sugartree Centro, cost control and material availability are the two most critical challenges for the booming building industry we all know. This project had carefully and successfully managed to deliver the project as it planned.

BNZ卓越开发奖旨在表彰高质量,可盈利且可持续发展的开发项目。经过评委们激烈的讨论,最终,由Lily Nelson Centro LP公司开发的SugarTree Centro项目拔得头筹,其因规划出色,按时交付,获得BNZ卓越开发奖项。

唐朝公寓项目(Sugar Tree)总计近700套公寓住宅, 配置两层停车库,建设近8,0 0 0平方米的商业配套,还拥有顶层空中花园会所。该项目汇集了众多优秀的专业人士,从概念规划、技术设计和建筑、施工管理到顺利交接,是团队集体的共同努力与作为:

  • 项目规划–根据地产形势,做出正确判断,先小后大, 先易后难
  • 室内布局–前期花费大量时间,集思广益,研究市场需求
  • 公寓配置–不惜成本,提高档次,让用户享受到高标准的生活体验
  • 合作伙伴–相互信任,互相配合,发挥各自所长为项目一起努力做贡献,
  • 建设团队–在奥克兰市场低迷时期起步,打造自己的营销团队,从而自主把握市场机会与节奏
  • 建筑商伙伴–严格把关,保证品质,控制成本,按时守约。

可以说,SugarTree Complex是奥克兰CBD成功的公寓商业综合体项目,是中国投资与新西兰专业团队精诚合作的完美典范。